How to enable Windows 11 Taskbar on Windows 10?

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Windows 11 Taskbar stands out as one of the major refinements. We already know that Windows 10X is no longer in development, and Microsoft is about to announce something major on June 25. According to leaks and rumors, Microsoft will use this event to showcase Windows 11. Although Windows Operating System has already leaked, not everyone enjoys using a beta version that’s yet to be released.

This article is the right one if you want to see what Windows 11 Taskbar looks like. Note that, we don’t have the new start menu for Windows 10, but we have a workaround to give a modern look to the taskbar. 

We can easily recreate this look with the following steps, and we do not have to install any external applications. 

  • To begin, you must unlock the Taskbar. It’s simple and you can do it in two ways.

a) You can use the combination of (Windows key + I) and type taskbar in the Windows Settings. Toggle the first option to unlock the taskbar. By default, it is ON. Make sure; we turn the toggle OFF.

Open Windows Settings with Windows+I shortcut
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
Press the toggle to uncheck the Lock Taskbar option
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
Windows 11 Taskbar needs the toggle off to unlock the taskbar to customize it
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft

b) You can right-click on the taskbar, and click on “Lock the taskbar” (make sure the option is unchecked and doesn’t have a right tick mark symbol)

Windows 11 Taskbar needs the taskbar to be unlocked as first part of customizing it
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
  • Next, locate the mouse pointer on “Toolbars” by right-clicking the taskbar again. Enable “Links” in the overflow menu. The Links option will appear on the bottom right corner of the taskbar, next to the system tray.
Enable the link option from the overflow menu
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
  • Rest is easy! Dragging the “Links Option” from right to left will do the trick. In the taskbar, you will notice that the icons have shifted to the far right in place of the “Links” section. Move the small horizontal divider (two parallel lines) on the left of the taskbar buttons to the “Links” screen.
Dragging the "Links Option" from right to left will do the trick
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
  • Right-click on the taskbar again, and uncheck the show title and text to hide the Link Option. The customization will become cleaner and the windows 11 taskbar alike.
Uncheck the show title option to make UI cleaner
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
  • After you drag the divider, you will notice that icons will expand to the center. You can pin the icons in there and you can see the opened applications like the regular behavior on the taskbar.
Click on the separator on the extreme right side
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft
  • Center your icons perfectly, and then lock the taskbar again by right-clicking the taskbar, and selecting lock taskbar again. As soon as you lock the taskbar, the Divider will disappear.
Lock the taskbar again once the icons are aligned to the center
Image Credits: The Techwriteup x Microsoft

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