Charge iPhone with iPad – Astonishing Apple feature in 2022

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Apple iPads can charge iPhones. It is a cool trick that has been helping me since I have been carrying an iPad. A lot of people do not know that. But, yes you can Charge iPhone with iPad.

I always get a question why don’t I take a power bank with me on travel? Well, I carry with me the 2021 Apple iPad Pro 11 inches. The device rocks a beefy Li-Po 7538 mAh (28.65 Wh) non-removable battery. As a matter of fact, this is 25% more than most battery banks people carry around.

How to charge an iPhone without charger?

To start with, it is a funny question. The answer is straightforward, use your iPad to charge your iPhone. The only thing you need is a Lightning to USB type C cord.

Charging iPhone with iPad is a cool trick

Why will you Charge iPhone with iPad?

A few of the reasons for doing that are as follows:

  1. For starters, it sounds like a cool trick.
  2. You do not need to carry your iPad, iPhone, and Power bank together. iPad can do the work of a battery pack.
  3. The possibility of you not charging your PowerBank is more than not charging your iPad.
  4. Most of the battery packs take more time to top up. iPad can charge quickly to some extent. 
  5. iPad can help you recharge your iPhones charge quickly. Most power banks are slow chargers.
  6. Cheap power banks have MicroUSB ports. The lifespan of these battery packs is less, and a faulty MicroUSB port is inadequate for your device.

Is it okay to Charge iPhone with iPad?

Apple devices had controlled MCU’s which are excellent in controlling voltages across the devices. It is safer then charging your iPhone with a non-branded charger. iPad batteries does not have voltages as high as the ones created by the faulty household circuits. It is safe to charge your iPhone with iPad.

iPhone charges pretty quickly with iPad

Did I convince you Already to Charge iPhone with iPad?

This article is only for iPad owners. I am not trying to convince you to buy one. This Apple Back to the student deal might be of interest to you if you still wish to buy one. Want to read more? Do not forget to read out article on coding on an iPad, if you are an iPad lover.



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